Counting the Omer – Day 20
Counting the Omer – Feeding the Land, not the Landfill
Happy International Compost Awareness Week! May 1-7, 2022.
Blessing for Day Twenty
讘指旨专讜旨讱职 讗址转指旨讛 讬职讬指 讗直诇止讛值纸讬谞讜旨 诪侄纸诇侄讱职 讛指注讜止诇指诐, 讗植砖侄讈专 拽执讚职旨砖指纸讈谞讜旨 讘职旨诪执爪职讜止转指讬讜, 讜职爪执讜指旨纸谞讜旨 注址诇 住职驻执讬专址转 讛指注止纸诪侄专.
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav vitzivanu al s’firat ha-omer.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who makes us holy with mitzvot, and commands us concerning the counting of the Omer.
讛址讬旨讜止诐 注侄砖职讉专执讬诐 讬讜止诐 砖侄讈讛值诐 砖职讈谞值讬 砖指讈讘讜旨注讜止转 讜职砖执讈砖指旨讈讛 讬指诪执讬诐 诇指注止纸诪侄专.
Hayom esrim yom shehem sh鈥檔ei shavuot v鈥檚hishah yamim la-omer.
Today is twenty days, which is two weeks and six days of the Omer.